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'Stupefy' she said.

Updated: Apr 28, 2018

My morning started early like every day this week. I immediately met Edward who told me what they do in finance, how he didn’t know how to add much to my language skills but that he will try his best and that they have 10 different responsibilities within their team. Sally then showed me for a good 45 minutes how they handle the invoices manually, then how they are prepared and finally how to processes and upload them to their so-called ‘oracle system’. Edward then took me through some enquiries where we had to or change the address, e-mail or house number before bringing me to Howard and Angela from the Policy Team. They gave to me in more detail how the HMLR works with their minister through the parent departments. They basically manage the relationship. In one year they approximately get letters from 50 million people and parliamentary questions. They passed me their ‘business strategy 2017-2022’ to read through and answer some questions which we discussed. Of all this information overload all over and again, I needed a break. I went with Parita out to buy a present and some food that I ate when I got back to the office. At 13:37 (yes, I like precise numbers sometimes) Nimish from ‘customer service/business developer told me how they are the nosey people who represent the costumer. Because the customer doesn’t directly speak to any of the caseworkers. They deal with their complaints and give online support through forums. Adam then told me more in detail how they work the forum and that they very often don’t know the answer and it should be consulted at a different government department or even their solicitors. This means that when they answer someone they must do it open-minded and advising. Adam showed me how to reply and then discussed many different things like Gibraltar (which is not on their register), the Dutch Kadaster, etc. Finally, I went to Ian today. He is a very statistical man who takes care of the graphs concerning complaints. Due to the fact that positive results are not always recorded they seem to be worse than they are. But they don’t mind that all too much because all complaints are good things, they tell you how you can improve yourself. Sadly though some complaints deliver so much stress that Nimish his stress pig was almost beheaded. After ‘work’ I went shopping before going along to Raif his tennis practice which still went through even though the rain. His mom Uzma and I also tried but in decent clothes and pouring rain, we decided to seek shelter. The last nice thing I did today was playing the Harry Potter edition of Scrabble, which I of course lost. (The title refers to one of the Hogwarts-cards in the game. )


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